Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Blog Revived

Hello Siblings,
  It has been suggested that since I am now retired and can actually sit in a chair without yelling OUCH, we may want to have our own little island of information again.  Facebook is fine, but we are hoping to share a more private venue especially as we share health info and updates on our lives that we want only our family to share.
  First, this is a test article.  I hope that as you receive this blog notification, that you can let me know either by email or by commenting that you saw this blog post.
   Secondly, I want to send a quick thanks for all of you in my family who helped support me as I went through my own health hell, with your prayers and thoughts.  I will write more once I know our blog is still a viable way to communicate
   Thirdly, I need a reminder of everyones birthdays and anniversaries.  It would be fun to have them listed here.
    I do know that Tom Lennon has a birthday coming up soon...Hope I have not missed it, Tom.
   Facebook is not dead, but I hope we can get those not into Facebook to at least receive updates on the Blog again.
    Let me know...Much love to all of the outlaws and the inlays!   XXXX Peg


  1. Remember to click on the Comment by dropping the box down and choosing Anonymous as your name is likely not appearing in the drop box. Also, those of you who wish to stay in touch about our Doctor Visits With Julie on WED this week, Kathe and I will report back on here as soon as we can.

  2. sounds good, jo

  3. Glad you are doing better Margarite. Yes, Birthday coming up on 28th. Only 70, so have a few left to go-and will never look as good as the Pic of Mary and Ed by Bro Patrick. Love to all. TOM and JAN

  4. Peg, So glad Julie sent me a note from her Ipod today, as I did not know that you had resurrected the Lennon blog again, and was looking for information about Julies doc visit. Thanks for doing this, Peg. You always were so good about family communications, and keeping everyone together and informed. Glad to know you are doing well with your retirement. Will keep you in prayers also that you may be able to enjoy the leisure time that the rest of us have been able to appreciate. Love, Bonnie
