Friday, December 23, 2011

Hi Talked to Kathe last night and appears she is dismissed as of this morning and Brett plans to take her to her home where Julie and I will be joining her tomorrow for a couple of days. I believe Em is also checking on her later this eve.  Thank You God.   She said she feels great and her therapists say she is doing very well indeed
   Julie and I will sit around the tree tonight and finish wrapping presents.  Tomorrow night we will be with Kathe.  Alicia and Norb are having their annual Xmas Eve party with a new Baby Layla for her first Christmas and all the Perry's will be in their home.  We will miss that as that is always a grand affair.
   Mary Jo and Pat leave this am for Madison.  Roseanne is already with her Uvey....and all the children.  I finish work about 1 PM today and have four days off so am really looking forward to some rest.!

   Love to you all Merry Christmas and please  post your STuff here......Kathe will hopefully write something here soon and I extend for her all thanks for the prayers and calls and concerns!!  XXX


  1. Merry Christmas to all my Family I love you all very much
    Brian Andersen

  2. Merry Christmas my dear family and to my Aunt Kathy I wish you a speedy Healthy recovery. I love you all and may god bless all of you.
