Finally, a moment to breathe.....Kathe is coming along well. Julie and I looked like Lucy and Ethel taking care of Kathe but we have heard that Emily, Brett, Alicia Norb and Mary Jo have stepped up and helped LARGE
and even Julie and I are still speaking and think we did a good job....huh huh.......:)
We had some yummy treats at Kathe's home on Xmas Day.....she had one eye open most of the time but I did laugh today when she stated that now that her drugs are wearing off, she keeps discovering more gifts she received and did not remember getting them H aaa haaaa Heaven on earth must be spelled: drugs
As for me I am back at work for a short week and frankly a slow week (imagine not wanting to get an adjustment during Christmas week!!!) We loved watching our precious Layla dig into her gifts....she loves tearing away at the paper.......WHAT FUN though
I hope to take some time to write thanks for my lovely gifts so everyone bear with me on that count.
and after playing with Julie's new ipad (she is now on email and facebook AND has a new HD TV thanks to Kevin and you all bros and sissies).......I have decided I too need an ipad so asked Pat to pick out my new model so maybe now I too will do skype or facetime with my bros and out Mike and Joanne.....
Julie comes back in this Sat to stay with Kathe.....MJ Pat me will join them on Sat nite for a game night with some chilli soup and some cherry pie with we will be thinking of all of you that night....grateful for successful surgeries for Linda and Kathe, that we all have jobs, and we still pretty much like to hang together, that we have such fun ways to stay in touch, that we actually know how blessed we are and are ready to roar into the New Year with faith and love....HNY to each and every one of my family and their loved ones! Love P
Once again, Peg, I thank you for your postings and keeping us updated as to our two surgical girls. Great to hear of Kathe's progress, and that Julie has her new electronics. I am most grateful of your willingness to keep up this blog and manage to help us all keep in touch. Christmas here was wonderful, with a lovely Christmas breakfast for Joe and I at Sarah's, followed by a ham buffet at Laura's for the afternoon and eve. Jon L. was there along with some of the Budde cousins, who live locally, and later Jan, Emma, Joe, Sarah, and I played a new game that Em had received for Christmas. Like the old memory game only with famous works of art. Lots of fun and we got a bit of "art education" along with it.
ReplyDeleteWe all admired the beautiful gingerbread mansion creation done by my kids and grandkids, and enjoyed the ole Vodka slush recipe, by fireside. A wonderful day and this year no snow.
Last year I drove there in sleet, and home in 3 inches of snow on top of it. Not fun.
Joe flew back to Denver last thursday. So great having him home for the holidays and Sarahs graduation and party. He and Laura got me a new tv, and after watching a very small dorm room cast off, with snowwy picture for the last nine months, (my 20 year old tv bit the dust with a lightening strike last spring} I am most grateful and feel like Im in wonderland with this high definition.
A cousin just finished a genealogical history book of my great great grandfather Budde, right before Christmas. Its 600 plus pages and two inches thick, so has everything in it and I was thrilled to be able to order one right before Christmas. So no more research to do on that side of the family. Now I can concentrate on the Lennon side.
Just this morning got an email from a Lennon who is researching a Barney and Peter Lennon from Pa. born in Ireland.
He thinks Bernard may be a brother to his Peter Lennon. His family comes from County Monaghan. We will see.
Again, Peg, I am ever grateful for you keeping the blog going. And quick recovery to Ms Kathe and Ms Linda. May God bless all the family with much love and good fortune in 2012.
Hi everyone! As Julie gets ready to leave after caring for me for
ReplyDeletethe past week, I just wanted to let all of you know we do have an
"angel amongst our midst". She is truly a servant of the Lord and
a sister that I am most proud of and hope to emulate. Not only dd
she give up a week of her hard-earned vacation time, but she brought in home-made treats, cared for every single need I had (which were MANY, including having to come into the shower to hold me up even though she was fully clothed! (Hey, Sue, at least she did not have to shave my legs because I'm on Coumadin and we coudn't risk any bleeding. Ha! Ha!) THEN, between tending to my every need, she thoroughly cleaned out every crack and corner of my house. I kept telling her to sit and relax, but she would have nothing to do with that!!!!! Never did she moan or groan or act
resentful that she was this 24/7 fantastic caregiver.
We laughed, we cried, and we made many great hilarious memories!
I will miss her greatly, but I wanted all of you to know that we
are so blessed to have this sister who has the grace she brings to this family and to those in need. MOM AND DAD, YOU DID A GREAT JOB! God bless her dear, dear soul. Please let her know how grateful you are for standing by to take care of one of your siblings when she was so desperately in need.
I, of course, also had my other nearby siblings and children help out as best they could considering they all work. Pat sat in the
doctor's office (at the request of my children who couldn't make it)
so that another adult could talk with the doctor and make sure I
was making the right choices, my children stood by my bedside as I
came out of surgery, Mary Jo came and sat by my bedside until I
woke up the first night because they didn't want me to be left alone, Brett brought me home from the hospital and spent days with me, Peg and Julie came and stayed up most of the night tending
to my many, many needs and pain on my first night home, and then
Julie came in for the week's stay. Peg, of course, all many times during the day and evening and always left me on a high note with silly laughter. Roseanne is coming in two weeks to use her healing touch of massage to "console" this body that has been battered by serious surgery and many, many drugs. I also had many calls and prayers from the siblings that do not live nearby.
This has made me realize what a GREAT idea it was for Mom and Dad
to have so many children!! Ha!
Again, as I am now mostly off the drugs and I am walking with a
cane, I want you to all realize how special you are to me and what a sacred moment in time with my family and my God this has been.
We are a truly blessed family!
This all took me back to 31 years ago when Ed arrived immediately to the hospital when he heard about my car accident on the television news, Bonnie came and sat by my bedside every single day I was in the hospital, as well as Steve, Steve's sister, Lisa, and Sue Fleege put their lives on hold to come care for me, Joanne came up to take care of me, and Mom and Dad were faithful soldiers who lugged over to my house everyday to help put me on the toilet and make sure my needs (and Emily's) were taken care of.
Thank you all for being the good and faithful people Mom and Dad
grew us up to be.